最後活躍 1740032957

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1 file changed, 157 insertions


@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
1 + #!/bin/bash
2 +
3 + # Welcome to amusement park!
4 +
5 + [[ "$1" = '--help' ]] || [[ "$1" = '-h' ]] && cat <<EOF && exit
6 + NetBeans docker wrapper for php
7 + ===============================
8 + Anthony Axenov (c) 2023, The MIT License
9 + https://axenov.dev
10 + https://opensource.org/license/mit
11 + Replacement host php interpreter with dockerized one to run & debug cli php scripts.
12 + Usage:
13 + ./$(basename $0) --container=<NAME> [--map=<PATH1>:<PATH2>] [PHP_ARGS] <SCRIPT> [SCRIPT_ARGS]
14 + Arguments:
15 + --container : docker container where your SCRIPT is located. Required.
16 + --map : sources path mapped from the host to container. Not required.
17 + PATH1 is an absolute path to php sources directory on the host.
18 + PATH2 is an absolute path of the same directory inside of container.
19 + Delimiter ':' is required. If PATH1, PATH2 or delimiter is missed
20 + or value is empty then error will be thrown.
21 + PHP_ARGS : arguments you can pass to real php interpreter according to its --help.
22 + Not required.
23 + SCRIPT : a path to script file (.php) to be executed in container. Required.
24 + Note that this file must exist inside or be available from that container.
25 + SCRIPT_ARGS : arguments to call your script with. They will be passed to script as is.
26 + Not required.
27 + Read this article to know how to set this helper as interpreter for NetBeans:
28 + ru: https://axenov.dev/netbeans-php-docker-xdebug-cli
29 + en: https://axenov.dev/en/netbeans-php-docker-xdebug-cli-en
30 + EOF
31 +
32 + pwd=$(pwd) # current working directory
33 + cmdline=($@) # copy currently called command line to array
34 + collect_php_args=1 # should we collect php args or script ones?
35 + quiet=0 # should we print some useful data before executing?
36 +
37 + # find a path where this wrapper is located
38 + wrapper_dir="$(dirname $0)"
39 +
40 + # find a path where project is probably located
41 + project_dir="$(dirname $wrapper_dir)"
42 +
43 + # here we check if this wrapper is global or local
44 + # but if it is set as global from nbproject dir of
45 + # current project then it is not detected as global
46 + # anyway behavior will be correct
47 + nbproject="$(basename $wrapper_dir)"
48 + [ "$nbproject" = 'nbproject' ] && is_global=0 || is_global=1
49 +
50 + # prepare new array to collect php args
51 + declare -a php_cmd=("docker" "exec")
52 +
53 + # and another one for script args
54 + declare -a script_args=()
55 +
56 + # and one more for directory mapping
57 + declare -a map_arr=()
58 +
59 + # iterate over arguments we received from netbeans
60 + for arg in "${cmdline[@]}"; do
61 +
62 + # if this is a container name
63 + if [ "${arg::11}" = '--container' ]; then
64 + container="${arg:12}" # save it
65 + php_cmd+=("$container" 'php') # add php itself
66 + continue # jump to next iteration
67 + fi
68 +
69 + # if this is a path map
70 + if [ "${arg::5}" = '--map' ]; then
71 + map="${arg:6}" # save it
72 + map_arr=(${map//:/ }) # split it and check if it is correct
73 + if [ -z "${map_arr[0]}" ] || [ -z "${map_arr[1]}" ]; then
74 + echo "ERROR: directory map is incorrect!"
75 + echo "Use $0 --help to get info about how to use this wrapper."
76 + echo "Exit code 3."
77 + exit 3
78 + fi
79 + continue # jump to next iteration
80 + fi
81 +
82 + # if this is a container name
83 + if [ "${arg::7}" = '--quiet' ]; then
84 + quiet=1
85 + continue # jump to next iteration
86 + fi
87 +
88 + # if this is an absolute path to a script file
89 + if [ -f "$arg" ]; then
90 + # make its path correct for container
91 + if [ "$map" ]; then # when paths are mapped
92 + # remove first part of map from an absolute filepath and append result to second map part
93 + filepath="${map_arr[1]}${arg##${map_arr[0]}}"
94 + else # when paths are NOT mapped
95 + # remove project path from absolute filepath
96 + filepath="${arg##$project_dir/}"
97 + fi
98 + php_cmd+=("$filepath") # append php args with filepath
99 + collect_php_args=0 # now we need to collect script args
100 + continue # jump to next iteration
101 + fi
102 +
103 + if [ "$collect_php_args" = 1 ]; then # if we collect php args
104 + php_cmd+=("$arg") # add current arg to php args as is
105 + continue # jump to next iteration
106 + fi
107 +
108 + script_args+=("$arg") # otherwise add current arg to script args as is
109 + done
110 +
111 + # docker container name is required so we must halt here if there is no one
112 + if [ -z "$container" ]; then
113 + echo "ERROR: no docker container is specified!" >&2
114 + echo "Use $0 --help to get info about how to use this wrapper." >&2
115 + echo "Exit code 1." >&2
116 + exit 1
117 + fi
118 +
119 + # path to php script is also required so we must halt here too if there is no one
120 + if [ -z "$filepath" ]; then
121 + echo "ERROR: no script filepath is specified!" >&2
122 + echo "Use $0 --help to get info about how to use this wrapper." >&2
123 + echo "Exit code 2." >&2
124 + exit 2
125 + fi
126 +
127 + cmdline="${php_cmd[*]} ${script_args[*]}" # make a command to execute
128 +
129 + # print some important data collected above
130 + if [ "$quiet" = 0 ]; then
131 + echo "NetBeans docker wrapper for php"
132 + echo "==============================="
133 + echo -e "Container name: $container"
134 + echo -e "Script path: $filepath"
135 + echo -e "Directory mapping: ${map:-(none)}"
136 + echo -e "Command line:\n$cmdline\n"
137 + fi
138 +
139 + # some debug output
140 + # echo "=== some debug output ========="
141 + # cat <<EOF | column -t
142 + # is_global $is_global
143 + # container $container
144 + # pwd $pwd
145 + # wrapper_dir $wrapper_dir
146 + # nbproject $nbproject
147 + # project_dir $project_dir
148 + # map $map
149 + # map_arr[0] ${map_arr[0]}
150 + # map_arr[1] ${map_arr[1]}
151 + # filepath $filepath
152 + # EOF
153 + # echo "==============================="
154 +
155 + $cmdline # execute
156 +
157 + # that's folks!
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