Ostatnio aktywny 1740064516

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anthony's Avatar anthony zrewidował ten Gist 1740035334. Przejdź do rewizji

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anthony's Avatar anthony zrewidował ten Gist 1740033559. Przejdź do rewizji

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anthony's Avatar anthony zrewidował ten Gist 1740033554. Przejdź do rewizji

1 file changed, 341 insertions

s3-backup.sh(stworzono plik)

@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
1 + #!/bin/bash
2 + #####################################################################
3 + # #
4 + # Stupidly simple backup script for own projects #
5 + # #
6 + # Author: Anthony Axenov (Антон Аксенов) #
7 + # Version: 1.2 #
8 + # License: WTFPLv2 More info (RU): https://axenov.dev/?p=1272 #
9 + # #
10 + #####################################################################
11 +
12 + # use remote storages ===============================================
13 +
14 + USE_SSH=1
15 + USE_S3=1
16 +
17 + # database credentials ==============================================
18 +
19 + DBUSER=
20 + DBPASS=
21 + DBNAME=
22 + DBCHARSET="utf8"
23 +
24 + # dates for file structure ==========================================
25 +
26 + TODAY_DIR="$(date +%Y.%m.%d)"
27 + TODAY_FILE="$(date +%H.%M)"
28 +
29 + # local storage =====================================================
30 +
31 + LOCAL_BAK_DIR="/backup"
33 +
34 + # database backup file
35 + LOCAL_SQL_FILE="$TODAY_FILE-db.sql.gz"
37 +
38 + # project path and backup file
39 + LOCAL_SRC_DIR="/var/www/html"
40 + LOCAL_SRC_FILE="$TODAY_FILE-src.tar.gz"
42 +
43 + # log file
46 +
47 + # remote storages ===================================================
48 +
49 + SSH_HOST="user@example.com"
50 + SSH_BAK_DIR="/backup"
55 +
56 + S3_BUCKET="s3://my.bucket"
61 +
62 + # autoremove ========================================================
63 +
64 + # time to live on different storages
65 + TTL_LOCAL=3
66 + TTL_SSH=7
67 + TTL_S3=60
68 +
69 + # autoremove flags
70 + CLEAR_SSH=1
71 + CLEAR_S3=1
72 +
73 + # notifications =====================================================
74 +
75 + USE_NTFY=1
76 + NTFY_TITLE="Backup script"
78 +
79 + #====================================================================
80 + #
81 + # Functions used for the whole backup flow
82 + #
83 + #====================================================================
84 +
85 + # prints arguments to stdout and into log file
86 + log() {
87 + echo -e "[$(date +%H:%M:%S)] $*" | tee -a "$LOG_PATH"
88 + }
89 +
90 + # sends notification with information
91 + ntfy_info() {
92 + [ $USE_NTFY == 1 ] && ntfy send \
93 + --title "$NTFY_TITLE" \
94 + --message "$1" \
95 + --priority 1 \
97 + }
98 +
99 + # sends notification with warning
100 + ntfy_warn() {
101 + [ $USE_NTFY == 1 ] && ntfy send \
102 + --title "$NTFY_TITLE" \
103 + --tags "warning" \
104 + --message "$1" \
105 + --priority 5 \
107 + }
108 +
109 + # prints initialized parameters
110 + show_params() {
111 + log "Initialized parameters:"
112 +
113 + log "├ [ Remotes ]"
114 + log "│\t├ USE_SSH = $USE_SSH"
115 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && log "│\t├ SSH_HOST = $SSH_HOST"
116 + log "│\t├ USE_S3 = $USE_S3"
117 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && log "│\t├ S3_BUCKET = $S3_BUCKET"
118 +
119 + log "├ [ Database ]"
120 + log "│\t├ DBUSER = $DBUSER"
121 + log "│\t├ DBNAME = $DBNAME"
122 + log "│\t├ DBCHARSET = $DBCHARSET"
123 + log "│\t├ LOCAL_SQL_PATH = $LOCAL_SQL_PATH"
124 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && log "│\t├ SSH_SQL_FILE = $SSH_SQL_FILE"
125 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && log "│\t├ S3_SQL_FILE = $S3_SQL_FILE"
126 +
127 + log "├ [ Sources ]"
128 + log "│\t├ LOCAL_SRC_DIR = $LOCAL_SRC_DIR"
129 + log "│\t├ LOCAL_SRC_PATH = $LOCAL_SRC_PATH"
130 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && log "│\t├ SSH_SRC_FILE = $SSH_SRC_FILE"
131 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && log "│\t├ S3_SRC_FILE = $S3_SRC_FILE"
132 +
133 + log "├ [ Log ]"
134 + log "│\t├ LOG_PATH = $LOG_PATH"
135 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && log "│\t├ SSH_LOG_FILE = $SSH_LOG_FILE"
136 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && log "│\t├ S3_LOG_FILE = $S3_LOG_FILE"
137 +
138 + log "├ [ Autoclear ]"
139 + log "│\t├ TTL_LOCAL = $TTL_LOCAL"
140 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && {
141 + log "│\t├ CLEAR_SSH = $CLEAR_SSH"
142 + log "│\t├ TTL_SSH = $TTL_SSH"
143 + }
144 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && {
145 + log "│\t├ CLEAR_S3 = $CLEAR_S3"
146 + log "│\t├ TTL_S3 = $TTL_S3"
147 + }
148 +
149 + log "└ [ ntfy ]"
150 + log "\t├ USE_NTFY = $USE_NTFY"
151 + [ $USE_NTFY == 1 ] && log "\t├ NTFY_TITLE = $NTFY_TITLE"
152 + [ $USE_NTFY == 1 ] && log "\t└ NTFY_CHANNEL = $NTFY_CHANNEL"
153 + }
154 +
155 + # initializes directories for backup
156 + init_dirs() {
157 + if [ ! -d "$LOCAL_BAK_PATH" ]; then
158 + mkdir -p $LOCAL_BAK_PATH
159 + fi
160 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && ssh $SSH_HOST "mkdir -p $SSH_BAK_PATH"
161 + }
162 +
163 + # clears old local backups
164 + clear_local_backups() {
165 + log "\tLocal:"
166 + log $(find "$LOCAL_BAK_DIR" -type d -mtime +"$TTL_LOCAL" | sort)
167 + find "$LOCAL_BAK_DIR" -type d -mtime +"$TTL_LOCAL" | xargs rm -rf
168 + }
169 +
170 + # clears old backups on remote ssh storage
171 + clear_ssh_backups() {
172 + if [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && [ $CLEAR_SSH == 1 ]; then
173 + log "\tSSH:"
174 + log $(ssh "$SSH_HOST" "find $SSH_BAK_DIR -type d -mtime +$TTL_SSH" | sort)
175 + ssh "$SSH_HOST" "find $SSH_BAK_DIR -type d -mtime +$TTL_SSH | xargs rm -rf"
176 + else
177 + log "\tSSH: disabled (\$USE_SSH, \$CLEAR_SSH)"
178 + fi
179 + }
180 +
181 + # clears backups on remote s3 storage
182 + clear_s3_backups() {
183 + # https://gist.github.com/JProffitt71/9044744?permalink_comment_id=3539681#gistcomment-3539681
184 + if [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && [ $CLEAR_S3 == 1 ]; then
185 + log "\tS3:"
186 + OLDER_THAN=$(date -d "$TTL_S3 days ago" "+%s")
187 + s3cmd ls -r $S3_DIR | while read -r line; do
188 + FILETIME=$(echo "$line" | awk {'print $1" "$2'})
189 + FILETIME=$(date -d "$FILETIME" "+%s")
190 + if [[ $FILETIME -le $OLDER_THAN ]]; then
191 + FILEPATH=$(echo "$line" | awk {'print $4'})
192 + if [ $FILEPATH != "" ]; then
193 + log "$line"
194 + s3cmd del $FILEPATH
195 + fi
196 + fi
197 + done
198 + else
199 + log "\tS3: disabled (\$USE_S3 + \$CLEAR_S3)"
200 + fi
201 + }
202 +
203 + # clears old backups
204 + clear_backups() {
205 + echo
206 + log "1/7 Removing old backups..."
207 + clear_local_backups
208 + clear_ssh_backups
209 + clear_s3_backups
210 + }
211 +
212 + # makes archive with database dump
213 + backup_db() {
214 + echo
215 + log "2/7 Dumping DB: $DBNAME..."
216 + mysqldump \
217 + --user=$DBUSER \
218 + --password=$DBPASS \
219 + --opt \
220 + --default-character-set=$DBCHARSET \
221 + --quick \
222 + $DBNAME | gzip > $LOCAL_SQL_PATH
223 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
224 + log "\t- OK"
225 + send_db_ssh
226 + send_db_s3
227 + else
228 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to create dump. Exit-code: $?"
229 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to create dump"
230 + log "3/7 Sending database backup to $SSH_HOST... skipped"
231 + log "4/7 Sending database backup to $S3_DIR... skipped"
232 + fi
233 + }
234 +
235 + # sends database archive into ssh remote storage
236 + send_db_ssh() {
237 + echo
238 + log "3/7 Sending database backup to $SSH_HOST..."
239 + if [ $USE_SSH == 1 ]; then
240 + rsync --progress "$LOCAL_SQL_PATH" "$SSH_HOST:$SSH_SQL_FILE"
241 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
242 + log "\t- OK"
243 + else
244 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to send DB backup to $SSH_HOST. Exit-code: $?"
245 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to send DB backup to $SSH_HOST"
246 + fi
247 + else
248 + log "\t- disabled (\$USE_SSH)"
249 + fi
250 + }
251 +
252 + # sends database archive into s3 remote storage
253 + send_db_s3() {
254 + echo
255 + log "4/7 Sending database backup to $S3_DIR..."
256 + if [ $USE_S3 == 1 ]; then
257 + s3cmd put "$LOCAL_SQL_PATH" "$S3_SQL_FILE"
258 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
259 + log "\t- OK"
260 + else
261 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to send DB backup to $S3_DIR. Exit-code: $?"
262 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to send DB backup to $S3_DIR"
263 + fi
264 + else
265 + log "\t- disabled (\$USE_SSH)"
266 + fi
267 + }
268 +
269 + # makes archive with project sources
270 + backup_src() {
271 + echo
272 + log "5/7 Compressing project dir: $LOCAL_SRC_DIR..."
273 + tar -zcf "$LOCAL_SRC_PATH" "$LOCAL_SRC_DIR"
274 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
275 + log "\t- OK"
276 + send_src_ssh
277 + send_src_s3
278 + else
279 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to compress project. Exit-code: $?"
280 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to compress project"
281 + log "6/7 Sending project backup to $SSH_HOST... skipped"
282 + log "7/7 Sending project backup to $S3_DIR... skipped"
283 + fi
284 + }
285 +
286 + # sends sources archive into ssh remote storage
287 + send_src_ssh() {
288 + echo
289 + log "6/7 Sending project backup to $SSH_HOST..."
290 + if [ $USE_SSH == 1 ]; then
291 + rsync --progress "$LOCAL_SRC_PATH" "$SSH_HOST:$SSH_SRC_FILE"
292 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
293 + log "\t- OK"
294 + else
295 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to send project backup to $SSH_HOST. Exit-code: $?"
296 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to send project backup to $SSH_HOST"
297 + fi
298 + else
299 + log "\t- disabled"
300 + fi
301 + }
302 +
303 + # sends sources archive into s3 remote storage
304 + send_src_s3() {
305 + echo
306 + log "7/7 Sending project backup to $S3_DIR..."
307 + s3cmd put "$LOCAL_SRC_PATH" "$S3_SRC_FILE"
308 + if [ $? == 0 ]; then
309 + log "\t- OK"
310 + else
311 + log "\t- ERROR: failed to send database backup to $S3_DIR. Exit-code: $?"
312 + ntfy_warn "ERROR: failed to send project backup to $S3_DIR"
313 + fi
314 + }
315 +
316 + # prints used/free space on local storage
317 + show_finish() {
318 + echo
319 + log "Finish!"
320 + log "Used space: $(du -h "$LOCAL_BAK_PATH" | tail -n1)" # вывод размера папки с бэкапами за текущий день
321 + log "Free space: $(df -h "$LOCAL_BAK_PATH" | tail -n1 | awk '{print $4}')" # вывод свободного места на локальном диске
322 + echo
323 + }
324 +
325 + # sends log file into both remote storage
326 + send_log() {
327 + [ $USE_SSH == 1 ] && rsync --progress "$LOG_PATH" "$SSH_HOST:$SSH_LOG_FILE"
328 + [ $USE_S3 == 1 ] && s3cmd put "$LOG_PATH" "$S3_LOG_FILE"
329 + }
330 +
331 + # main flow =========================================================
332 +
333 + log "Start ----------------------------------------------------------"
334 + show_params
335 + init_dirs
336 + clear_backups
337 + backup_db
338 + backup_src
339 + show_finish
340 + send_log
341 + ntfy_info "Finish!"
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